
Certifications Exam Center

Certify your skills with Centro Studi Italiani!
Centro Studi Italiani is a Certification Exam Center for the CELI, CILS and CEDILS Certifications.

Certify your skills with Centro Studi Italiani!
Centro Studi Italiani is a Certification Exam Center for the CELI, CILS and CEDILS Certifications.

Italian Language Certification Exam Center

CELI and CILS Certifications are two of the most requested Italian language certifications which attest to the degree of linguistic-communicative competence in Italian as a foreign language from A1 to C2.
They are respectively issued by Università per Stranieri di Perugia and Università per Stranieri di Siena.
CEDILS Certificate is the official certification for teachers of Italian as a second language issued by Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia.

You can prepare yourself and take these exams with Centro Studi Italiani.



The CELI Certification of the Università per Stranieri di Perugia is one of the most requested Italian language certifications all around the world. It is valid both in the employment and academic spheres. The CELI certifies the Italian language competence in general, attesting language knowledge and communication competence.
You can take the CELI exam in our schools in Milan and Urbania.

CELI Certification Exam

The exam dates are annually published by Università per Stranieri di Perugia. You can check the calendar. Please consider that the deadlines for applications are usually 5 weeks before the exam date.



The CILS Certification of the Università per Stranieri di Siena is one of the most requested Italian language certifications all around the world. It is valid both in the employment and academic spheres. The CILS certifies the Italian language competence in general, attesting language knowledge and communication competence.
You can take the CILS exam in our school in Genoa.

CILS Certification Exam

The exam dates are annually published by Università per Stranieri di Siena. You can check the calendar. Please consider that the deadlines for applications are usually 4 weeks before the exam date.



CEDILS Certification is the official certification for teachers of Italian as a second language, issued by Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia – Itals Department.
All Italian and foreign teachers of Italian language with a degree in Language or Education can access CEDILS exam and obtain a worldwide renowned certification of Italian language teaching skills.

CEDILS Certification Exam

You can attend a preparatory course and take the CEDILS exam in our school in Urbania. The exam dates are annually published by Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia. You can check the calendar.

Every year, Centro Studi Italiani – Urbania also hosts seminars led by Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia open to teachers of Italian language who wish to be up to date on the latest teaching methodologies and tools.

For more information, please contact our Urbania school.


Listen to what our students say. Literally.

"L’italiano non è solo una lingua. È cultura, amore, famiglia, e devi essere proprio lì per capirlo."

Anthony Lopez (Panama)

“Era una memoria importante nella mia vita quando studiavo l’italiano al Centro Studi Italiani”

Guo Jiayi (China)

“I miei insegnanti erano incredibili! Devo tutto quello che ho imparato a loro.”

“CSI Urbania ha ottimi insegnanti e è un ambiente ideale per immergersi nell’italiano”

Jean-Pierre Deruddere (Australia)

“Centro Studi Italiani tiene un posto speciale nel mio cuore”

Laura Stedge (USA)

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